The memorial inscriptions at Melsonby St James Graveyard have been recorded over the years but with only vague clues as to which ones were where. We have therefore added them all to a computer database for ease of enquiry and cross-reference, and the locations have in most part been tracked down. An outline map shows
the numerical references. We are particularly grateful to Brian Hird for his detective work.
These burial records are shown in a pdf file which can be searched by any of the details, eg surname, Christian name, or dates. You are welcome to download the pdf file, or use the search facility in your browser to search for your ancestor. Please let us know at St James of any problems, queries, or any further requests for information.. A printed report form copy of the file will be available in church for visitors to access. Individual memorial records with a digital photograph can be emailed to family historians for a small charge. You can also contact Graham Smith or Christine Selby for further information.
‹The oldest Stone? Well, there are Anglo Saxon grave covers over 1100 years old, and the 17th century stones often did not have a date or name inscribed. The earliest inscribed date of death is John Hutchinson, who died on 30th July, 1712. The oldest recorded birth dates would be the 18 we found between 1670 and 1700, one of whom, William Harrison, "died in the 106th year of his life" and that was in 1788. The air in Melsonby clearly suited him!