A Church Near You
Hits :1381
The Church of England's useful website to give information on all parishes, deaneries, archdeaconries and dioceses. Not all parishes adopt their part of the site and put information on it, but still useful

AllChurches Trust Limited
Hits :2696
Allchurches Trust Ltd is the organisation which owns Ecclesiastical Insurance. It makes grants to churches and charities throughout the British Isles, especially to benefit mission and help local communities.

Bishop Nick's Blog
Hits :4291
Bishop Nick Baines writes an active and stimulating blog which is well worth the read.

Choral Evensong
Hits :5621
This site is there to help you find Choral Evensong services across the British Isles

Choral Holidays
Hits :1971
A small company that does specialist singing holidays singing in cathedrals and great churches in England and Europe. A superb opportunity to learn to sing Choral Evensongs in the best Anglican tradition.

Christian Aid
Hits :1286
A major aid agency that is involved in many countries of the world and also in campaigns to improve the lot of the poor. It is not an evangelising organisation although its inspiration comes from the Christian beliefs of its founders, managers and supporters.

Church of England
Hits :1364
The website for the Church of England carries a huge amount of information for those with relatively simple needs to complex matters of doctrine and organisation. An interesting site to explore.

Church Safety
Hits :1645
A site with useful information on many aspects of safety in church, some of which PCCs may not even be aware.

Church schools for the whole community
Hits :1661
A Church of England blog post on the role of church schools, summarised as "Our schools are not faith schools for the faithful, they are Church schools for the community, and we don’t propose to change that."

Hits :7383
This site offers lots of useful advice and information about caring for churches. It is run by the Cathedral and Church Buildings Division of the Archbishops' Council and sponsored by Ecclesiastical Insurance.

Churches Conservation Trust
Hits :1728
The Churches Conservation Trust has the care of over 340 C of E church buildings that can no longer be supported by their parishes. It exists as a heritage, not a religious, charity and ensures that its buildings are kept in good condition and used for the benefit of the community. The church of Stanwick St John in in their care.

Diocese of Leeds
Hits :1338
This new diocese was formed by the amalgamation of the three dioceses of Ripon & Leeds, Bradford and Wakefield and has now been renamed the Diocese of Leeds (where necessary adding 'Anglican' to differentiate it from the RC Diocese of the same name). Each of these retains an area bishop and a cathedral. We remain part of the Ripon Episcopal Area.

Ecclesiastical Insurance
Hits :2175
Ecclesiastical Insurance is the company that provides church insurance but can also cover many other areas as well. They also offer useful advice and activities to help churches maintain their buildings and run effectively.

Explore churches
Hits :1204
‘ExploreChurches, a new website which makes it easy for people to discover the UK’s beautiful churches and chapels.

Historic England
Hits :3500
New and additional uses for places of worship

Historic England
Hits :2359
Making changes to places of worship

Maitenance Booker
Hits :32701
An online ‘one stop shop’ where churches and chapels can book accredited contractors for services including gutter clearance, tree maintenance and inspecting lightning protection systems.

Melsonby Parish Council
Hits :1448
Please note this is the civil authority not the Parochial Church Council. Lots of information about what is happening in Melsonby.

Ripon Cathedral
Hits :1283
Our cathedral has roots going back to St Wilfrid in the seventh century but it is still an adventurous and forward looking institution making innovative use afforded by the covered space a cathedral provides in a city.

Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings
Hits :1267
A charity which offers expert help and advice to those responsible for the care of ancients buildings, many or which are churches. It encourages local cooperatives to be set up to carry out maintenance as a group at several churches rather than leaving it to the individual churchwardens at each church.

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